Someone or something has been attacking this person's animals

A reader from Tennessee sent us this photograph with some gruesome details about what happened to her cattle dogs (now dead). We replied via email asking for more details about the location. The game cam photograph was taken on November 8th and it shows something crawling around her property. It's pretty wild:

Hello ,I live in rural middle Tennessee  where there are caving systems underground and deep hollows .My next door neighbors are on 52 acres with cattle and have lost 2 cattle dogs . The neighbor on the other side had a dog on a chain and it was brutally attacked with its back leg almost torn off.  I own a farm and I have many  Brazillian Mastiff guard dogs  that live behind a large 6 foot fenced area surrounding my farm house with 6 foot welded metal gates  to keep them inside the area. to guard my house . I have bought game cams because something jumped inside the enclosure and attacked the lead dog who is 152 lbs but did not kill him. The second attack two months later killed a the biggest female because she bleed to death. Underneath the chest area were massive holes the size of a my finger tips and deep scratch marks under each arm pit.Both dogs had the same attack wounds except  the female had one under the rib cage in the solar plexus region and that might have hit  a main artery . It was a gaping hole oozzing blood . When I got home she was cold and half dead  but still lying in an upright position then died soon after. She was a fearless bitch dog. She died November 2012 in a few months  after  around March  on a misty early morning  my 5 Brazillian Mastiff dogs  were at the back fence  raising hell like something bad was out there in the field. I walked outside the gate and peeked around the corner and saw a black figure laying low  along the weeds obviously stalking my five mastiffs unafraid . I tried to identify it  but i could not see the head .I studied  it for a few seconds until it saw me and oddly  shifted its body turning with appendages flopping and shifting and then it glided off without standing up at all. It was creepy .   I have coyotes and deer and possums , coons and skunks BUT I  have no idea what this creature was  . My local  wild life officers do not talk in-debth to me about it and they seem to want to leave when i confront them about it. Last night Nov.16  I inspected the game cam SD card . I found coyotes deer ect the usual but also this creepy black shape . My game cam is set up to take 3 pictures when tripped . This black creature was low to the ground and moved so fast that only one frame caught it. I will send all three . What  is it ??  Its on jpg.  Hunt2049.  I have had 4 cattle horses chased all around the pasture one night a few years ago and went out side to hear unearthly - screeching down in a deep hollow and the next day a large -sprawled  three clawed superficial scratch mark on upper gut area of one of the horses .There are many strange creature sightings and attacks around the counties surrounding that i have gathered from different individuals because of my Job I meet alot of people .
Strange creature leaves frame. What is it?


  1. No doubt Joe will say it's a bigfoot.

    1. It's always a Big foot1 There everywhere! Ten thousand of them in Rhode Island alone!

      Matt "I'm getting Fatter" MoneyMaker

    2. I'm curious to know if that's the real Uno...

    3. jewpacabra covered by Obama executive order

    4. Hi Joe! It is not me! I've been busy, and now trying to get caught up on posts. I've just read about Eva's cat, Ebe. I am so sorry for her loss. Anyway, hope you are well. Uno! :-)

    5. Big gay jon strikes again!!

    6. ^ Huge ignorant basement dweller strikes again!!

    7. ^ wishes his mom's trailer had a basement

    8. ^ wishes he didn't believe in the scary giant sasquatch because he knows his mommies moldy basement won't protect him

    9. There you go folks! ^
      Big gay jon in Troll mode!!

    10. There you go folks! ^
      Huge ignorant basement dweller in skeptard mode!!.......Mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. We can reconstruct an entire dinosaur from millions of years ago but not a single shred of physical evidence of a giant north American primate that supposedly still exists.


    1. There's tons of evidence! One main problem is all the hoaxes. It creates such controversy, who can tell fact from fiction. There certainly are more hoaxes than legit pics/videos, but there is a deliberate attempt to hide the truth, and cover it up.
      One day it will be proven!

    2. The dinosaurs were a hoax!

    3. 9:05... Aren't you the one that has gross bouts of denial as soon as people point you in the direction of the fossil trails of chimps & gorillas, not the mention the three generations of scientists that documented precisely what you vomit is lacking?

      9:42... Tracks.

    4. But bigfoots aren't chimps or gorillas, they are big hairy people. Remember joe?

    5. Which are all classified as primates, with the environment that chimps and gorillas have evolved in having a major effect on the frequency of fossil trail they have.


    6. That makes absolutely no sense joe.

    7. Joe's reaching bending and stretching. Again.

    8. Let me spell it out... The environment of those chimps and gorillas is the same that Sasquatch evade in, whilst whenever Sasquatch have chosen a different area for burial, we have documented giant remains.

    9. I'm rather alarmed at how many people I've got to inform that people/humans are primates.

    10. Well no sh*t. But specifically compared bigfoots to chimps/gorillas.

    11. Classic joe. Attempting to use misdirection again.

    12. Because they're primates that share the same environment.

      Are you serious?

    13. Getting rekt this much daily can't be good for you

    14. They do not share the same environment. Are YOU serious?

    15. Joe rydych yn rhithdybiol .

    16. 11:00... What, they don't both reside in forested, terrain?

    17. lol.."Skeptical Omniscience" an oxymoron! Saqsuatch is WAY more intelligent than humans..too bad skeptics mistake their "intellectual" bent for Intelligence. 2 very different things...Morons!!

    18. Documented giant remains arent giant remains. Its a document. Smithsonian says those giant remains dont exist, were misidentified. Newspaper articles are known for sensational stories. Furthermore, giant remains dont prove an undiscovered primate exists, would only prove that giant humans existed which we know that people suffer from gigantism so that should not be a huge surprise to anyone. How do you make the distinction that these giant remains were of Sasquatch and not of an ordinary human suffering from Gigantism.

    19. "Also, some parts of the body may be larger in proportion to other parts. Common symptoms include very large hands and feet, a thickening of toes and fingers, a prominent jaw and forehead, and coarse facial features. People with gigantism may also have flat noses and large heads, lips, or tongues."
      Please tell me how you distinguish the giant remains as someone not suffering from gigantism.

    20. 12:24... Sorry, if the Smithsonian were to inform you of giant skeletal finds today, you would take it as gospel. I think you need to go and take a look at the significance of a source like that, even in the 19th century... When you have written statements stating direct intent to not even consider such; pretty self evident. The Smithsonian have never stated that the giant skeletons documented are missidentifications, they simply can't don't know where they are. I might remind you that the Smithsonian has miles and miles of vaults with agenda ridden parties long gone. Newspaper articles reporting archeological studies that have consistency of science journals are not mere sensationalism, and though some hoaxing did occur, by the sheer inumeracy of reports in line with three generations of scientists, it's a leap of faith to claim it's all mere sensationalism.

      Giant remains are significant, because considering there is ten thousand years of agknowldgment of Sasquatch by native cultures, that state that tribes have shared burial mounds with Sasquatch/giant tribes. To then have them be found extactly where they said they would be with paper trails of big hitters, you simply don't have an angle to worm out of. Sasquatch are human and every tribe in North America regard Sasquatch as another tribe of humans. I really don't think that you grasp how many of these finds there are, by sheer statistics these cannot be attributed to gigantism. Gigantism does not alter skull morphology to what can be attributed to archaic humans, such as receding foreheads akin to what we understand of Neanderthal morphology.

    21. "We then decided to do a careful review of the Smithsonian’s two major reports that detailed their mound investigations (the 1887 and 1894 Bureau of Ethnology Annual Reports). We used original publications for our search and went through them page-by-page. The 1894 report contained 742-pages detailing the mound investigations and the 1887 report had 100 pages. We found that the Smithsonian’s field agents found 17 skeletons in mounds that were close to 7 feet or taller. The largest they reported was just under 8-feet in length. The main concentration of these was in West Virginia’s Kanawha Valley, which I then visited along with Brent and Joan Raynes.

      In essence, for the Smithsonian to have found 17 skeletons that were 7 feet tall by chance alone, they would have had to excavate 2.5 million skeletons. (That statistic utilizes modern height statistics, not the smaller heights known to have existed in ancient Native American populations.) In sum, there is a genuine mystery here. The height of many of the individuals entombed in ancient American mounds was far taller than the general populace – far beyond what could be explained by simple chance."

    22. You are correct if the Smithsonian informed me of giant remains today I would take it as Gospel. I would say holy crap you were right, unbelievable. Thats not happening. You may want to try and find something more believable. I dont believe that something as significant as another species remians gets lost. And if it is lost, all the paper trails in the world dont do you a bit of good. So since I have only stated that there are no giant remains, which at this moment is true, you are the only one trying to worm an angle out of this. As far as your statistics, what data do you have to form statistics from? What population of the public suffered from gigantism thousands of years ago? I wasnt aware someone kept that statistic.
      "It's a leap of faith to claim it's all mere sensationalism"
      Its also more of a leap of faith to claim its not, considering noone has any actual bones to study.
      "Gigantism does not alter skull morphology to what can be attributed to archaic humans, such as receding foreheads akin to what we understand of Neanderthal morphology." Anyone can have these features, it still happens a lot even today. To find a skull containing these features, even a giant skull still could have just as likely been a real human, as opposed to your, Sasquatch human.

    23. And I havent ever addressed this because its such a subjective topic. But Native American folklore is wide and varying and has been vastly misinterpreted. It has been widely argued that people with an agenda of validating Bigfoot have cherry picked the folklore to come up with a story that suits their needs. Many articles about this, heres a good one.

    24. You missed the point, rhetorically of course, the Smithsonian has never ceased to be of the utmost importance. Established in 1846 "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge," it's a group of museums and research centers specifically administered by the United States government. Originally organized as the "United States National Museum," that name ceased to exist as an administrative entity in 1967. Termed "the nation's attic" for its eclectic holdings of 137 million items, the Institution's Washington, D.C. nucleus of nineteen museums, nine research centers, and zoo (many of them historical or architectural landmarks) is the largest such complex in the world. Additional facilities are located in Arizona, Maryland, New York City, Virginia, Panama and elsewhere, and 168 other museums are Smithsonian affiliates. Funding comes from the Institution's own endowment, private and corporate contributions, membership dues, government support, and retail, concession and licensing revenues... So you see, whether it be the 19th century or the 21st century, if the Smithsonian has clear paper trails statinf giant human skeletons, it's pretty much coming from the highest threshold of Western science. I think you get the picture of how mucb storage there is too, and space for thkngs to 'go missing'.

      The Smithsonian Institution aggressively acquired the remains of a vast preponderance of giants’ remains unearthed in North America. The technique that Smithsonian curators used to coax people to ship the evidence to them was quite ingenious. First, the museum established itself as the anthropological authority bar none. Often, this was enough to attract flies to the “bug zapper.” And if it wasn’t, then requests were mailed by the museum, which asked to see the evidence. After bones and artifcacts were shipped from another museum, or from a private party, the Smithsonian then proceeded to “sit on them” for a long, long time. In retrospect, it’s obvious that the material was simply put into a top secret warehouse somewhere. Inquiries from the parties involved would produce stalling. Years typically became one or two decades. The Smithsonian’s modus operandi tended to use passive aggressive means to confiscate evidence. This time-honored tradition worked like a charm. Museum staff (from other institutions) tended to give up the easiest. Private parties that had personally discovered or bought the remains were more persistent. Eventually, though, the person would die, as folks tend to do. When another generation of family members deigned to keep up the fight of getting back their property, the Smithsonian would then shift into second gear: refusing to even acknowledge that it had ever received the skeletons and artifacts. Most times, the next generation of family members did not keep badgering the Smithsonian. Why? Well, primarily because they were busy with the travails of earning a living and raising a family. Of course, public perceptions about such things might also have been a contributing factor. The sciences had not only brushed off the evidence; they had also taken a firm stand against the possibility that a giant race of hominids once lived in North America. So, by the 1950′s, children and grandchildren of the original owners of said artifacts, which were stolen by the Smithsonian, could have started to doubt “grandpa’s stories” about a giant skull, copper jewelry, etc. Plausible deniability worked like a charm when new staff and new scientists at the Smithsonian replaced the older generations, which originally accepted the remains.

    25. John Wesley Powell was made the first director of the Bureau of Ethnology in the United States in 1879, which was established that same year by an Act of Congress, a position he held until his death in 1902. That bureau, which changed its name to the Bureau of American Ethnology in 1897, was directly connected to the Smithsonian Institution, which had been established in 1846 through the will of the British chemist James Smithson (1765 - 1829) and funded by his bequest of 105 sacks of about 1,000 gold sovereigns each, and pursued the mission of organizing all the anthropological research in the nation. In his first year as head of the Bureau of Ethnology, Powell submitted the first of his Annual Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, dated July 1880 and covering the Bureau of Ethnology's efforts for 1879-1880. Beginning on page 73 of that publication is a famous essay by Powell entitled "On Limitations to the Use of Some Anthropologic Data." In it, Powell sets forth the doctrine which would become the guiding principle of his Bureau of American Ethnology and of the Smithsonian at large all the way through the present day, a strictly isolationist doctrine which flatly declares that it is "illegitimate" to entertain any line of analysis which attempts to connect any artifacts found in the New World with any "peoples or so-called races of antiquity in other portions of the world." A reproduction of the letter, with the passages emphasizing this isolationist doctrine highlighted in yellow, can be found online here as well;

      Recently, a new aspect of the Smithsonian's policy of refusing to countenance any artifacts that might pose a challenge to Powell's "doctrine" of isolationism has received a lot of publicity in light of the publication of Richard Dewhurst's new book Ancient Giants Who Ruled North America: the Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Cover-Up. Richard Dewhurst used the capabilities of modern search engines to examine the archives of US newspapers going back to the early 1800s and found hundreds of published descriptions of giant skeletons being unearthed across the North American continent, many of them containing photographs. While the Smithsonian in its early years was an enthusiastic documenter of such discoveries, the arrival of John Wesley Powell marked a dramatic change in the Smithsonian's attitude and policy towards such finds, to such an extent that Dewhurst was forced to conclude that: "What my research has revealed is that the Smithsonian has been at the center of a vast cover-up of America's true history since the 1880s" (3). He documents numerous cases in which representatives from the Smithsonian arrived on the scene of any reported discoveries of giant skeletons with remarkable rapidity (sometimes within one or two days, even in the late 1800s and even when the archaeological find was in remote regions of the American west) and in which skeletons reported as being turned over to the Smithsonian were never seen again.

    26. So you see, nothing has been merely 'lost'. Statistics are, rather simply, based on data that accounts for genetic anomalies for which there are whole scientific industries with easily accessible data. For example, we know that be average height of a native person of the time that the skeletons were buried was 5.5 feet tall. Paper trails and statements mean I don't need anything to worm out of anywhere... I have explanations that you need to now counter. Anyone can have archaic features, but when they are linked to giant skeletal remains it's as significant in that we merely have to compare this to reports and footage that we have of Sasquatch that detail giant humans with the exact archaic features, again... It's Occam's Razor time kiddo!

      Ok... If you actually pick up a book on Native legends or oral tradition, this is in fact indeed the case. Native American culture and history have always been past down the generations from father to son to maintain identity and bonds, because written texts can always be manipulated. The Cherokee for example, in their traditions have shared burial mounds with Sasquatch tribes, whilst some other tribes in the US were introduced to lands under the protection of Sasquatch tribes from bears & such, and had rich cultures of trading with them. They didn't always get on though, as not only do nearly every tribe in North America refer to Sasquatch as another tribe of humans, but also are very clear about how they has canibalistic tendencies... With warriors of tribes often going into the mountainous areas retrieve woman and children who were taken. The legends of Genoskwa for example, tell of Stone Giants, that weren't in fact stone, but Sasquatch tribes who would roll around in the mud until it hardened in order to repel primitive arrows. We have thousands of years of Native American culture (the natives say 50, Turtle Island is a term used by several Northeastern Woodland indigenous tribes, especially the Haudenosaunee or Iroquois Confederacy, for the continent of North America), yes, thousands... wall paintings some 8 feet tall true to size and if you know anything about indigenous culture, you would know that ceremonies, dances, utensil designs like baskets, all these things indigenous people do to pass down historical events, identity and culture. There is an easily attainable timeline of Native American culture by the determining the age of settlement sites. Burnt wood and other means have in fact been used to carbon date areas where indigenous peoples who maintain the Bigfoot culture have resided.

    27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    28. Oh... And your old shoddy link about Native culture and Bigfoot would be accurate, if the actual authors had spent the time to talk to native Americans of today, who maintain THEIR cultural references are exactly what major anthroologists like Kathy Strain have published.

      It's the most ignorant thing possible to take a culture of a people and tell them what it's all meant.

      Don't ya think?

    29. That was my thought too, Joe, that it would be better to refer to interviews with and writings of Amerindians than to drop a "BS History" link and call it "a good one". Why not ask the natives themselves about their own cultures, rather than resort to and trust the BS History Blogger?


    30. Hey Zorro! Long time no see! Yeah... It's astounding ignorance.

    31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    32. "Many articles about this"... I would love to read these, I wonder if the Anon who claims I'm "deceitful" would like to post these "many articles"?

  3. Big cats are everywhere. Fact


    1. True MMC. Of course no big cat is going to jump into a pen with several mastiffs. Of couse there is so much disinformation being sent to BE one can not sort it out and so why try. You have to look elsewhere and thank goodness it is out there in droves.

    2. Big cats are indeed everywhere. Even, get this footers, TRAIL CAMS!

    3. You are right on all counts chuck. It would have to be a diseased cat to do that if it went down as stated. The puncture woulda made me think of big cat insicor teeth. Hope I spelled that correctly


    4. Meant to ask you MMC if you deer hunt and if so is there any venison in the fridge. Also are you enjoying the January, Feb. weather? Good grief - get that rocket stove out.

    5. Went to gladwin at wildwood rd hunting with my
      Nephew and his dad. We ended up driving the deer from grim rd towards him and he got his first deer, a spike at 15 yo. I did not get one YET. My neighbor was on my property and he got a nice 4 point. I should have stayed home

      As far as the weather goes what can you say. A mass rocket stove is in the plans for next year. Over the winter I need to first reinforce the bay room floor where it is going


    6. "Big cats" are generally domestic cats. Black cats are always domestic cats.

    7. ^^ not talking kitty cats. Talking big cats


    8. I know what you are talking about...I'm telling you what they are.

  4. Solution: Land mine outside the fence combined with more game cams.

    1. Use the game cams to funnel IT to the land mines.

    2. Double 50 Cal mounted on porch.

    3. Get a African Bull cape Buffalo, that would Stomp that big wuss squatch in seconds!!

  5. Doesn't sound like a bigfoot.

  6. Over ten thousand years of human habitation in North America, and not one single shred of unambiguous evidence has been found that supports the existence of bigfoot. No clear, objective, tangible thing has ever been offered by anyone, ever. Evidence for bigfoot that's actually worth anything equals zero.

    This is unfortunate if your hobby is belief in bigfoot.

    1. A fundamental religion will make you do that.

    2. But Occam's Razor tells us Sasquatch must exist. And Occam's Razor is solid science, dont believe me? Read.

    3. I don't think that's what Occam be sayin about Bigfoot.

    4. Every single source of evidence short of MODERN type specimen exists that transitions ten thousand years of native cultures that have the Sasquatch tribes deeply imbedded within their cultures;

      Occam's Razor.

    5. You cant dismiss people sightings, footprints, hair samples, tree structures, & vocalizations. I've said many times that I can prove BF, from tree breaks, structures, and Syllabic. How can you explain duplicate tree breaks, structures, and markers, miles apart, and states apart? It is not natural phenomenon that creates these structures, because they are strategically placed. These tree markers are so strategically placed, that they will not fall down, they are anchored in place, they did not "fall" this way. I haven't found any of these in residential areas...does the wind only blow in the woods? Ill bet 99% of the skeptics have never stepped foot in the woods!

    6. DS, You and a lot of footers like to pull the old "never gets in the woods" statement. How about Steven S t r e u f e r t? He lives in supposed Bigfoot country, knows the history as well as anyone, yet is one of the biggest critics of Bigfoot out there (he doesn't rule it out but is very skeptical) . He has said a lot about those structures, and thinks they are mostly natural or man made.

      There are plenty of other people who get out into the woods and report never seeing anything remotely like bigfoot.

      Sorry, your own personal evidence from what I have seen is not compelling at all.

    7. I find DS's work very interesting. Keep up the gret work DS!!

    8. Here is my latest pic!

    9. DS, what the heck is that?

    10. Face pic, you can see it's whole face, even the ear.
      Sorry it's so small.

    11. Thanks Joe...Keep up the great work also!

  7. I have a much more important question to ask, which is,ANYBODY care to come here to Western New York and help me shovel out, the beer is on meeeeeeeeeee........

  8. This YAHOO neeeds ta contact WILD BILL an tha rest uf TEEM AIMS insted uf ol mr SHAWN. wut tha hell is a blog post gonna do? thees folks neeed a good ol fashun NITE HUNT ta trap ol mr SHADOW CREETCHER an poot thees goood folks minds at eese.

  9. si si el beegfut es trooth. beegfut he fer reel.

  10. This is the type of story Michael Merchant is saying BFE fabricates. Yes he is a jealous buffoon.

  11. Man don't these trolls just get bored? We get it, you don't believe in such a thing as sasquatch, who frigging cares-we just go away because no matter how many times you guys scream from the rafters that there IS no proof, guess what? WE STILL BELIEVE and your snarky comments do nothing to change anyone's minds. Just because you guys CHOOSE not to see, doesn't mean that we have to be blind and ignorant-like you.

    1. whatevers.

      we see you as idiots and fools. I take 30-60 minutes a day to read and laugh. I then share what I see here at work and my co workers laugh.

      You are all idiots. and joe is you king.

    2. and another thing....this site is not your exclusive playhouse. Is it not long past time you grew up and learned that others will almost never agree with you. If you exclude all outside beliefs you will be left with the BFF. No thank you. That place is for women,children and men with no character. This site is for trolls.

  12. Am I blind...i don't see a damn thing in this pic!!! What am I looking at except a dark yard?? Will gladly listen to directions as to where to look!

  13. My fahts are more intriguing than those tewo photos. Don't believe me? Well then, I have proof, just ask Joe and he will tell you .

  14. Put Scott Carpenter on the case. He will see 37 more bigfoot in that one frame


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